Abd al Malik, whose real name is Régis Fayette-Mikano, born March 14, 1975 in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, is a French rapper, singer-songwriter, writer and director. He founded in 1988 with his older brother Bilal and his cousin Aissa, the rap group NAP Abd al Malik chooses his stage name in reference to his own first name (Regis - "King" in Latin - corresponding to the Arabic word Malik: "king"). In 2004, Abd al Malik released his first solo album, Face to Face Hearts, which reached 155th place in the French rankings. In 2005, Abd al Malik published the book Qu'Allah bless la France, in which he explains his progress and defends a reflected Islam, made of tolerance and desire for integration. The book obtains in Belgium the Laurence Tran Prize 2005 and is adapted by the rapper for the cinema in 2013.


Abd al Malik, whose real name is Régis Fayette-Mikano, born March 14, 1975 in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, is a French rapper, singer-songwriter, writer and director.

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