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16 dec. 2020
Le Concert Spirituel
16 december 2020
Vivaldi’s Gloria and Magnificat – Original version for double female choir and double string orchestra
Psalm Laetatus sum RV 607
Domine ad adjuvendum me festina
Magnificat in G minor
Psalm 147 Lauda Jerusalem RV 609
Gloria RV 589
Musical direction, Hervé Niquet
Choir (20 singers) and Orchestra (21 instrumentalists)
The Spiritual Concert is in residence at the Rocamadour Festival. It is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture (DRAC Ile-de-France) and the City of Paris. It thanks the patrons of its endowment fund, as well as the individual patrons of its “Carré des Muses”. The Spiritual Concert, winner of the Liliane Bettencourt Prize for choral singing 2020, is accompanied by the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation. The Spiritual Concert benefits from the support of its Major Patrons: Mécénat Musical Société Générale and the Bru Foundation.
Website of the Concert spirituel