

19 october 2021

  • Grand Foyer
  • 15 €
  • Pass châtelet

In the spring of 2020, Giovanni Mirabassi, the pianist with 17 gold records, composed Pensieri Isolati (Isolated thoughts), an album reflecting his emotions and questions in response to the complex times. “I escaped from lockdown with a conspiratorial air every week, to record a piece of my solitude and put it aside for tomorrow, when the hubbub of the world will have taken over again.

For this return to solo piano, Giovanni Mirabassi has launched a participatory art project to form a great collective testimony on our time and to invite the public to express their isolated daydreams and desires for escape, in the form of photos, videos, texts that are shared on an Instagram account.

This poetic dialogue between the musician and the audience gave rise to the desire to create a show to stage this journey. In collaboration with the visual artist and digital performer Malo Lacroix, the contributions of the audience come to life and weave the visual universe of a solar and poetic video-musical show.

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Châtelet Pass

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