Part of the festival

Le Châtelet fait son jazz



12 june 2022

  • Grande Salle
  • 15 €
  • Pass châtelet

12 june 2022

  • Grande Salle
  • 15 €
  • Pass châtelet

Once upon a time… The child, the cat, the bird, the duck, the hunter, the grandfather, the wolf… For real! Born from the desire to introduce children to orchestral instruments, this symphonic tale has become, for the choreographer Emilie Lalande, an opportunity to make them aware of the art of movement.

The familiar characters imagined by Prokofiev in 1936 are embodied by young dancers in this show, first presented in 2017. Pierre, the child looking for friends, surrounds himself with a duck and a bird to live his adventures, bouncing and flying, as he infuses them with his enthusiasm for life to them. The sober décor is inspired by the imagination of children, who know so well how to transform the objects around them so that they take on several uses. For example, the trunk that contains the costumes becomes a wolf’s mouth, a hiding place or a cage.

Partenaires médias

Châtelet Pass

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